HELenic LAboratories
& Services of CHEMistry & Quality Management

The product label is the means of informing the consumer and advertising of the company that provides the product. There is often a risk of placing products with inappropriate labeling on the market due to misleading advertising, incomplete or incorrect labeling.


In cases of detection of such products, the control authorities decide to withdraw it from the market with a significant commercial and financial impact on the person in charge of placing the product. Products at check-in are checked for customs clearance. Incorrect labeling as a reason for product withdrawal reaches 50% in relation to the total reasons for product withdrawal.

HELLASCHEM is one of the first companies in Greece that provided consulting services in the control of product labeling such as:

  • Food
  • Materials and objects in contact with food
  • Pet food
  • Fertilizers
  • Biocides
  • Cleaners
  • Cosmetics
  • Chemicals
  • Everyday items

The advantages of HELLASCHEM in providing consulting service for the study of product labeling are:

  • HELLASCHEM 's written commitment to the correctness of the label after the labeling study
  • Excellent knowledge of the legislation that sets the labeling requirements
  • The multifaceted knowledge that covers almost all the products available to the consumer
  • Extensive experience with the significant number of tags we have tested (several thousand tags)
  • Our insistence on correctness even in the smallest detail so that the label is correct
  • Full customer information
  • Representation in case of arbitration

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