HELenic LAboratories
& Services of CHEMistry & Quality Management

"Dietary supplements" are defined as foods that are intended to supplement the normal diet, as they are concentrated sources of nutrients (vitamins, minerals) or other substances with nutritional or physiological effects. Nutritional supplements are commercially available in dosage forms, e.g., capsules, lozenges, tablets, pills and the like, as well as powder sachets, liquid product cartridges, dropper vials, and other similar forms of liquids and powders intended for use. small unit quantities.

A horizontal framework for their legal circulation has been created in the EU based on Directive 46/2002 / EC. The directive has been transposed into national law and dietary supplements are subject to the NMA (National Medicines Agency).

For their legal disposal, the notification of the circulation of food supplements to the NMA is required.

HELLASCHEM supports companies that produce and market nutritional supplements and undertakes:

  • The preparation of a file of the required supporting documents
  • The notification of the circulation of food supplements and special nutrition products to NMA.
  • Support with laboratory tests to ensure the quality and safety of food supplements

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