HELenic LAboratories
& Services of CHEMistry & Quality Management

Employees as well as potential human resources looking for work need specialized training that will help them emerge. Business staff are often required to be trained in specific areas of their work.

The training of business staff is an important investment for any business, as:

  • It is a requirement of the law in some cases
  • It is a requirement of all quality systems
  • Ensures the high productivity and quality of the products and / or services provided
  • Improves the image of the company
  • It contributes positively to the psychology and professional consciousness of employees

HELLASCHEM provides services designed based on the needs of its customers. With the experience and continuous training of its trainers, training programs are created "tools" for business staff and for anyone interested.

The highest quality education provided by HELLASCHEM is achieved through:

  • its human resources: all trainers have many years of experience and hold at least a postgraduate diploma (M.Sc.) related to the subject of education. The trainers belong to the registers of LAEK and EFET.
  • Instructor training: HELLASCHEM has one of the most important corporate libraries with more than 600 specialized scientific books and conference proceedings.
  • the application of technology in education: HELLASCHEM reduces the distances and costs of education, with e-learning programs, fully subsidized.
  • the educational material: it is created based on the requirements of the educational program and the needs of the trainees, always rich in visual and auditory stimuli that sharpen the interest and memory.
  • HELLASCHEM has trained many employees in private companies and public organizations in Greece, Cyprus, Albania and Bulgaria. All programs are fully subsidized by the LAEK 0.45 program. HELLASCHEM undertakes the submission of training programs free of charge.
  • Possibility of implementing e-learning training programs.

Educational programme

Program’s code

Duration of the program

Educational modules

Option for offer

Basic principles of food hygiene and safety - Level I (EFET) SF01 10 hours Introduction to food safety Microorganisms and their characteristics Food poisoning and their prevention Personal hygiene and food operator behavior The working environment Cleaning practices Common miasmas and control of them Food hygiene legislation According to the requirements of the EFET program

Food hygiene and safety for senior food business executives - Level II SF02 8 hours Food Hygiene HACCP & ISO 22000 requirements Horizontal and vertical food legislation Market & Health legislation

Food labeling SF03 8 hours Regulation 1169/2001 / EC Market order Add-ons Allergens Nutrition table Health - nutrition claims

Materials and objects in contact with food (YAET) SF04 8 hours The horizontal legislation for the
HFSF Regulation 10/2011 / EC on plastics The requirements for the other HFSF Marking of YAET The application of good production practice

Meat and its products SF05 8 hours Hygiene and quality of meat from the farm to the table Microbiological, chemical and physical hazards Legislation Organoleptic checks Fraud - fraudulent practices Labeling

Dairy products SF06 8 hours Dairy categories Dairy production Microbiological, chemical and physical hazards Legislation Organoleptic checks Fraud - fraudulent practices Labeling

Catch SF07 8 hours Categories of fish - other catches Processing - packaging Quality characteristics Microbiological, chemical and physical hazards Legislation Organoleptic checks Fraud - fraudulent practices Labeling

Internal inspections (ISO 19011) SQ01 4 hours Design & implementation of internal inspections Actions of inspectors before, during and after the inspection Evaluation Applications & examples

Complaints Management - Customer Satisfaction (ISO 10001 & ISO 10002) SQ02 4 hours Complaint management planning & policy Responsibilities Non-compliances Corrections - Corrective actions Continuous improvement Applications & examples

Occupational Health and Safety SQ03 8 hours Obligations of employees & employers Legislation Accident prevention Personal protective equipment Extinguishing media & handling Work accident Crisis management

Environment & Business SQ04 8 hours Environmental legislation Liquid & solid waste Air pollution Environmental standards Environmental signals Green business policy


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